
Lost Within

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

Pretty self explanatory. It's just talking about feelings that I've felt and things that I've been through in the last few months.

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

"grey" in poem is grey matter :)


mb too personal, but that's it. thnq for attention.


w/l Shumic

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

Please if you comment, do not take any religious views on any of my poetry. I prefer not to get religion, which I do not believe in, and my creativity mixed up into a raging battle. It just wastes my time, as well as yours.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Wel this one is another one I wrote what I was feeling. Take it to heart, that I never have made any sort of attempt. This was how I felt at the time

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Confession To Hell

Author's Notes/Comments: 

You know who they are, the people that, in the cruelest form, twist and turn a friend or loved one, hurting them beyond repair. Or perhaps, you've been the victim of the scarring event. This has, sadly, just happened to me. The person who made me into something I'm not. And someone I've never wanted to be. Going to be tested for heart problems (again) and bi polar depression on Thursday. I'm fourteen, why is my life like this now?

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