This was written recently...spontaneous combustion....just something I used to say to introduce myself so people could remember my name...My name is Pam I'm a backwards map I have no sense of amused them and they remembered me...I am bemused by the truth of it...
Weird dream last night. I don't think it'll ever be possible to erase what has occured in the past. There will be no Eternal Sunshine for my spotless mind.
I read a story out of one of my books and it was about family, and how much that one special moment happened. I've never really had special moments with my parents and I miss that, But like I said how can I miss what I have never had?!?
I wrote this after David and I were fighting beyond control and we said some pretty harsh words to each other which I really regret. But deep inside I still love him and I cant stop thinking about him.
I was going to give up on my love who I wasnt dating, I am in love with him and I wanted him happy so I was willing to stay away. So I wrote poems that made me feel better that he was gone. But I really do Love him with all of my heart.