To The *Meek And Lowly*

. . . see your calling brethren, how that not many wise . . .

after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called . . .  **

---1 Corinthians 1:26

. . . to write unto you of the common salvation . . . the faith that

was once delivered unto the saints.

---Jude 3

. . . for which cause He is not ashamed to call them . . .

---Hebrews 2:11

. . . "Like them, the meek and lowly . . .

---S. J. Stone, The Church's One Foundation, 4

. . . they shall be my people, and I will be their God:

for they shall return unto me with their whole heart.

---Jeremiah 24:7

By many in the world, Brethren, we are

considered hicks, yokels, hayseeds and rubes,

bumblers, thumpers, incompetents, and boobs.

But we are called to receive delivery,

among churches, of the common Salvation

(beyond the reach of haters' perfidy)

in which we find our souls chief exultation

with the redeemed, the great congregation

in the effulgent and eternal light

of Christ, who called Himself the Star

(in Revelation, chapter two):  the bright

one (in the Koine Greek), the morning one:

the Christ, our Savior, God's Beloved Son,

in Whom we believe to life eternally.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

** Underscoring in the epigraphs is mine.  I am pleased to include a quotation from the Hebrew Prophet whose name, truncated (perhaps inappropriately) was given me by my birth mother (because my birth father also bore it), and retained by my adopted parents.  My dislike of the name was not for its own sake, but for the verbal bullying it seemed to draw, not only from peers in school but, also and shockingly, from my own parents.

Line 5---the plural, churches appears in Acts 9:31 and 2 Thessalonians 1:4.

Lines 10-12:  because Revelation 22:16 is my very favorite verse in all Scripture, I wanted to cite it within the poem's text.

Line 14:  John 20:31 and 1 John 5:13; in his poetic skill, the Apostle Saint John brings this concept into the latter parts of both his Gospel and his First Epistle.

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