Moving Sand


Blue swells moving the sand as the wind rises and falls.
Tiny grains gathering from all of time coming together creating the shores.
Two shores meeting end to end and in the middle on a note.
Sounds of music permeating the air; waves of praise intertwine as one.
The two becoming one for an instant in the dot holding onto the other.
Unaware of The Storm.


Gale force winds blow without mercy forcing the two into Sandbox.
Winds kicking up the sand; the sea with angry teeth biting the shores,
Moving sands run to escape; blind and confused not knowing where to turn,
Reaching out, crying out for help, sounds of deafness into a gust.
“Let me be!  Take me away angry sea.  Sweep me away into the abyss.”
Unaware of Eye of The Storm.


Peace and Calm fall upon the sands and the shores and the sandbox.
Shorelines change growing in new directions still joined by the sea.
Wide, narrow, rocky and smooth, shifting sands turn with the wind.
Littlest pieces of sand broken by the storm linger in the sky forever touching softly,
Being transformed by the storm and fire, diamond dust settles
Becoming aware of the Creator of The Storm.


Angels become friends--birds, butterflies and ladybugs come alive.
David, Trees, Street, Shoez, and Withyou stand watch.
Helpmeets and arrows in the quiver; Showdown rescues.
Visions, visitations, quests, and purpose comb the sand.
Sculpted with divine grace and mercy…sands move once again.
Slowly, purposefully, the crimson tide shifts, shores touch, blue sky smiles.
Fully aware of Who calmed The Storm.


The sand from the shores slide through the hour-glass of
Heaven, the Glass Maker pressing in on all sides.
Moving the minute crystals through the white dot….touching,
Becoming one, once again, at the center.
Bursting through with jubilation into the other side of eternity
Falling humbly on the Island of Prayer and Sacrifice and Angel hearts,
Abiding with Him who moved the sand.


Copyright Pushkva 2002

Author's Notes/Comments: 

One of my first poems.

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