

Colors and rainbows
Chocolate and sweet
Clouds and cotton candy
Coffee and cream
Children and play


Joined together by the Master’s hand…..
Birds in the air
Blue of the sky
Ocean and water
Shore and sea
Wind and waves


Drawing strength from each other…..
Music, notes, and song
Poetry of words
Flower’s fragrance
Sun and light
Blood and life


Eternal partners which can never be separated…..
Heavens and stars
Dreams and visions
Height and depth
Love and pain
Courage and danger


Knowing that one dies without the other,
They give life and breath
Questioning not…..
The dance of a candle’s flame
A harp and its strings
The softness of a dove’s feather
Fingers and a touch
Lips, a smile, a lingering


What God has created and brought together
Even He will not divide…..
Forever and eternity
Prayer and bended knee
Sin…His grace and mercy
Love and forgiveness
Truth, Promise, and His Word
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Mary, Joseph, and Christ Child


A harmonious duet of hearts
Joined at the center of the cross
Laid bare, surrendered, sacrificed before the
Altar of Sacred Heart
Bound by the chains of
Love, Promises, and Vows
A Trinity of decades…
Of days chasing nights
Passing through the sands of the hour glass


Moving from invisible to visible
And back again…. Into the refrain
Remain strong, unbroken, unshaken
Eternally secured by the
Blood of the Lamb
As the sun is absorbed into the horizon
Escorting a peaceful Twilight
Which in turn ushers in
The Dawn of a New Season
A Glorious Mystery


copyright pushkva 2003

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written on a small island.  Batangas, Philippines

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