Arameans people, civilazations






The Pharoah

the land, earth

the move

gotta, gotta

going back home

running, running

from the Negro, the Negro

The Pharoah, aramiac,

Abbyssinia, run, run, run

Habesh, Habesh, run, run


The Pharoah, my land

my earth, my sand

the Abbysinth, like

vinegar, and the

black withering lilies

The Pharoah, cry,

I am sick, I am sick, I am sick

his daughters say I am sick, I am sick, I am sick

Debts: Ancient Egypt, The Roman Empire, Ancient Greek Kingdom. Julian Ceasar.



You must obey The Pharoah Kingdom, The Roman Kingdom and the Ancient Greek Kingdom

I say why not obey us the Somali land, our land?


I spit on your labels of victory and glory!!

I spit on you like an illiterate aging Somali Mother

who is protecting her sons and daughters

and her family: gooys


You die, and died, and have not welcomed our Prophet

in your dry land, he saw the Habesh and his variant way

shoot off left, right with men and woman


Sons and daughters I promised you, and grace

daily to work and earn a living in this life

and in death heavan: women: be careful

salaciouness, seduction, trickery, showing

your ankles as  you smile, and show your jet

black eyes


Indo European languages, Semitic, of the levant

classical Arabic, West African languages, Pidgeons English

The Cushtic people, levant, Israelites and the Armeans

the Armenians, their labels, languages.


We are the best: we are these labels, the people, place and labels, we are the best

" See what we have done to the ones before you".




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Please see for "Fair Use" rules: copy right laws of the United States Of America. This text, poem is inspired by the Holy Quran. 

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