




I confess they were

there my co-writers

assisgned, named

and accepted sometimes

there, an inspiration that was old

and new, the old was an story in my

head, a white ominous looking yet a lucky charm hand made 30s statue

will it sell? I thought many times in the magical

second hand store


Having given my self a job, a payless but rewarding job

I felt sad, very sad and excited at the same time, feeling

the pain of a bipolar disorder, the voices were not my own

 listening to these voices there was a connection

a joy and pleasure yet also digust: " love has found me", I am recieving information

from a new world, my ordinary world was rejoicing at the luck


The meetings of an inner child, a young self, an older person, the desire to

have a magical life, of travel, language and music, of freedom, liberty

and democracy, having opened a portal through sheer laughter and play

I was suddenly speaking to the dead, movies I saw of people who died long ago

came to mind and I kept thinking about the dead people, my mind said it was nothing

this is not serious, skip this and focus on your corporate career, go to college, finish your Masters Degree


The all consuming relentless energy kept me busy, the voices interesting, sometimes scary meanings

made me dig deeper, all I wanted was to feel special and this was a way: talking to the dead and hearing voice


Freedom, democracy is running life line in my life, mine was disciplined life, the must and shoulds

overwhelming voices in my head, geopolitics that was awaring me of the stakes: China, 911 ( Sepetember 11), the perceptions of the world superpowers


A Universe that was talking to me through inner voices, and people

a soul learning and dealing with an inpatient mind, and a slight disregard for history

sometimes a lack of appreciation of the difficulty involved in understanding the "inexpressable" 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

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