Photographs in the laundry


My wife and My wife

have said they come to

themselves when the man

with the bills come, they will

be nice and be ladies about

the man, they are saying

that even two black sisters

are married and have have

beautiful private cermony after

years of talking about their men

being in the military.


How jelous she was when she

I was with and her and them

without her and I had fun and partied

without her and the kids she tries so hard

to be honoury 


When I warned about the people

and a somali plot againt her

family and work she never acknowldged

my efforts. I sent a present that she had to buy

for 20 years of service and she was not happy about that


Now I am adopting with her former friends and friends with her

lover and baby daddy, she wants me to know that my death

all my men and women are good only to say Yes I have had kids

that I adopted, and I am part your life, we use to work together

and now good wishes: and glad tiding for our relationship.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Please note this "Poem" is copy righted": it is a contentious "poem" and a piece of work so please look into " contentious literature and pieces of work by black women in Europe. Thanks, Also look and read "fair use" rules at Glad tiding for Christmas!