



I am very black, my

funeral is now and I 

atoned with them

and her and I said that

I will be the dress up girl

that wears the lighties shows

with colors of the day that I choose


Day is my day and I am

the person that looks

like her top and skirt

pitching my best friend

in University that I am a Stylist


She said ok, it is a very difficult job

and the criticism will be bad

and we talked about school


I said I will you in self-loating

when I jump Berlin, down the

vally of the check point

I will reach for your hand

living in a world of the

past histories of a world

and live in Europe that is


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Please: ( Copy Right infringment laws: www.( music: Government USA: United States: Patents: Laws? infringe? Why? It is a very hard process to go through a lot of levels of consciouness to let you know that "my" poems are mine. The poem I write are important to my live, life, my family, my world and my Universe. I am married to R.Shakur. I am expecting! for information please contact me at my work

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