J-Called . . .

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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I became a Christian on Sunday evening, January 9th, 1994. On Sunday morning, January 16th, 1994, I was baptized in a small Baptist chapel. On Saturday, April 19th, 2014, I was chrismated in the Orthodox Faith with the chrismation name, Januarius.

The name I sign to my poems is J-Called, although I have further individuated it in the user name field by writing it according to Leet Code. For me, it represents to me the truth declared in n three verses from Apostle Paul's letter to the Roman Christians: 1:6-7, and 10:13.

My Haigo (or Haiku name), Kyakuchuu, means "footnote" in Japanese.

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22 years 26 weeks